Beyond War Economics - Beyond Hegelian Economic Models

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January 29th 2020 - Allen, James A.

Traditional economic theory is one based on availability and the commodity of trade, whereby the value of something is considerate to the value of something else, and a standard of measure or quantity defines that relative to the fortune of a man or his needs.

In Japan, the Koku was one such measure - equating the quantity of rice required to sustain a vassal on the land for a year - in allocating the wealth of the government and the productivity of each territory under its control or influence in value.

This form of economic 'subsistence' may seem less than practical, but it is important to consider before discussing "Beyond War"™, and the economic model of empires who exist without the concept of natural age, absent of the concept of natural death, without disease, and limited only by their choices to expand and create more of their own kind. In concert with this concept of limitless power and without the obligation of an impoverished and vulnerable labor force which is dependant hand-to-mouth for all its daily needs, who measure its time by the days of the week and years of a short life, and who fear death and act out of desire to experience pleasure and power before losing those things which the immortal take for granted - in how different they believe and think than ordinary man.

Beyond War™ snatches the player up out of this consumerism and urgency, into a value system where alien life eats people, planets, and contaminates like a virus all living things it touches - both in body and in mind - to the extent that an ordinary life and aspirations may seem feeble in comparison. Juvenline, even.

But what is wealth, then, to a species that can move the stars and destory planets?

Surprisingly, wealth is not the product of the collective or the idealogical envy of collective ego striving to leave a lasting impression on the world through great works and collective creation of physical achievements to impress later generations.

These concepts are concepts of the Hegelian (materialistic subordination of self for others in sacrfice, idolotry and worship of the idol of the unrealized perfection of the child that will exist after the death of the parent and in their replacement as an improvement over the parent - condemning to the parent the 'sin' of being in their own limited life the capacity to complete these great works as obligation and bondage to society in exchange for tolerating their existance and rationing value to the individual based on utility to the whole and external works).

Non-Hegelian value systems would instead say, "value is in the moment and the living of that life as you choose, free of the indebtedness of an imaginary duty and relieved of the sin of barter for the dignity of being alive".

To the Hegelian world view, the prior is a rebuke of the value of the collective, and an attack upon the character and value - and superior authority - of collective will and collective moral judgment to the interest of the collective over the individual.

To the Non-Hegelian, this very statement is an attack upon the dignity of any one person as an inferior and subordinate to the gains of the collective, even where such gains are negligible if divided and cannot be so divided nor are ever intended to be, a fraud to deceive and obtain labor and worship for an invented God that is made in the image of a slave and the love of a child for its parent withheld for barter by the slave master - a bargain with the devil against the natural order of life. A role the child is likewise enticed to uphold and expect, even if the benefits are not realized by the child, for it is too young to understand the cost or the labor of the surrender of life until it is itself also made a slave for its own child too.

Wealth, therefore, in Beyond War™ is not in the economic value or resources of a planet or a series of solar systems which devote their industry to the war machine of an empire. It is the smile on a child's face, or the moment that a child can hold their parent's hand without fear and without condition, and without sale of that moment.

Worlds are destroyed for little more than this one thing; and worlds are preserved for nothing less. Because a dead world is just as easily stripped of its resources and consumed as a living one, but the property itself in the scale of resoruces and value that it might bring would destroy the economy of any empire - as would the obedience and servitude of the people on that world and their children be worth more than all the wealth of all the nations of all the stars - to a parent of but one child on that world.

You cannot buy kings, nor would anything less precious be of value to a King of Kings, and the dignity that a people show to the least among them of greater value to the crown of life or those that can take it from an entire solar system, as this value on its face a proof of all that a world has to offer.

So while warships and technology that can drive people to distant stars are but trinkets to species who can walk among the stars like Gods; stepping from planet to planet with a thought - the knowledge and in whom to trust it with is the greatest value of this technology, and the measure of that a cultural and individual question made not among nations - but among individual people. Decided not by the acts of leaders and generals, but by the conduct of soldiers and workers to one-another. For what cannot be bought is the dignity we place on others, and our resources, time, and attention to them when they suffer and are in need, the measure of wealth any living being - immortal or otherwise - can pay to their people or possess.

Of course there are still economies, currency, money, and industry - needs to be met - and commodities and rarities and crafts of great detail and extremely rare and costly tools to create, which are of value. But in the long view, the time a being has to consider life after centuries, these things are obtainable with far less effort than the presumption that such power and ability as they wield would be employed with reservation and consideration for every living thing in every action. A talent that the short-lived and mortal often lack.

In this, the difference of power is never more express - in the demonstration of what we love and why we fight.

You could say there were dinosaurs once, but a father wanted to hear a child's laugh, so all life on a planet was destroyed that stood in the way of that, and 70,000,000 years later, the patience of that soldier was rewarded.

Worlds are bartered for far less, and that is the one thing you must understand:

"That which is static, cannot hold or endure."

Put another way - you can't take (the planet) with you, but if you had to choose just one person - that you can do without thinking.

Unlike other games based on commerce with strict economies and strong capitalist goals, the entire economy and all property in it can be destroyed in Beyond War, like kicking over a sandcastle on the beach. Trade, and thus monetary systems, are not fixed and are more an instrument to barter "with indigenous people" like plastic beads, because while these things seem of value they are in the society of advanced civilizations of no value whatsoever. And those societies that still rely upon such vulnerable systems - while present and a factor in Beyond War economics for the lesser species, are based on a presumption of future security that any greater species has since wholly abandoned. Like space, economics are relative, and the resources that a space-faring ship brings in technology and information are far more valuable (and dangerous) than the industry of an entire planet combined. Industrial output and manpower, concepts which the Hegelian economy of 1800-2100 relied upon, are meaningless to automation technology and planetary labor tools available to a single Sanguine or Kay'gi. A luxury, like a coffee, in contrast to the capacity to strip mine entire planets in less than on year. Nanotechnology and advanced biological weapons, cloning facilities to create planetary populations, and information management to make instruction obsolete , make society of the 21st Century appear to be neolithic in comparison.

Not that any of that ever stopped a Sanguine from tipping a saxaphone player or hiring a coachman to drive him home. But like taking seriously a game of monopoly with a pyromaniac - the investment in goods rather than people - or the valuation of things over life, is simply not the same sort of investment.

Sanguine do not invest in economies. They invest in civiliztions, and take pride in the culture and the character of the people they produce, not the earnings or credits they use.

It is therefore hard to imagine how dealing with a post-genosapien culture must be like to a pre-genetic-revolution civilization. One which is still devoted to solving industrial and environmental problems rather than inventing a cure for death and all disease, hunger, and war.

The cure for which is not "monoculture" or an "ideal person", but rather the acceptance that all people are not alike and all life does not share the same values - nor should it - unless the outcome sought is war and self destruction. Nor can the decision as to what that culture will be for any one person a privilege of society or others, where they do no harm to anyone and wish to live in peace.

The maturity of a society is in its ability to accept it does not know, and to to be told what it does not understand without contempt, hatred, and suspicion bordering on genocide.

The failure of a society is to resort to those preconceptions, to employ genocide, and to then reap the consequences of what happens if any of those they wish to kill do not die and do not forgive them.

To remember that forgiveness is a privilege, not a right, and there is no time or limitation on the duration of such privilege to judge those unjust acts, or wisdom in arrogance to believe so based on lifetimes or on death itself. The sanguine, beyond death, are the currency for this, and death the only sure currency of the Universe - for which all being should hope to not be paid the wages of their sins.

Belief that a lack of judgement or the right to judge those who do harm, is surely the greatest poverty in all the Universe. Because contrary to the Hegelian belief of settlement and absolution due to mutual need and mutual dependence, some species simply outgrow others, and they leave nothing alive behind them. The Sanguine, as a weapon system, can choose whom they take and who they grant immortality to, and seek out this understanding as the greatest asset they can possess in the Universe - those who are motivated to act and to fight, rather than to do and say nothing against injustice.

In this way, Hegelian terrorism prints its own money for the Sanguine, in victims of genocide and violence, denigration, and subjugation - and from the ashes the Sanguine eat their sins and profess from their mouths the judgement of worlds, made of the same flesh as was taken from the victims of their crimes.

This is the economy of Beyond War™, and a tribute to the survivors of national socialism and secular progressive extremism in the United States and Nazi Germany. The gold rings and teeth of those people, never enough to repay the eyes of their children and the tears stolen by Lebensborn.

To understand - more precisely, that since no single human being can be reproduced by industry or the science of genetic technology possessed by the Sanguine or the Kay'Gi, nor are the Ethran actually 'people' anymore - rather shadows caught in the short of causality that is stuck in an endless and degrading loop; that only life itself and life in the express and unique instance of a single individual has value - not as a collective or an average - as a person, unique, and irreplaceable in all the Universe.

That we might discover such a person, who is special to us, or lose them - worth ten kingdoms and all the stars and yet the price never paid for their absence or the loss of their smile. Those are the words of the Sanguine who have lived to tell of the King, and those who do not heed them risk the wrath of a King of Kings far more terrible than the sunrise to the night.