
Hegelian Dialectic Socialism

Based on the 1821 book by George W. F. Hegel, the theology of Hegel and his rhetoric have inspired mass murder and war for 200 years.

Hegelian Dialectics is the argumentative reasoning or questioning pattern of a dialog based on the convictions (gospel, if you will) of George W.F. Hegel, a Prussian Teacher.

Hegel proposes that persons have NO RIGHTS and enjoy privileges that are the limited conditional grant of society and community, for which they owe labor and obedience to the King or authority and the benefit of the public (in that general order).

Hegel confuses this fascist theology with mental health and medicine, which is why Hegelian Dialectic Socialism styles its enemies as non compos mentis - of unsound mind.

This is a false medical practice used to kill the Jews in the 20th Century, and carry out antisemitic terrorism and racism throughout China and Europe. Hegel's ideas evolved (or were incorporated, to be precise) as the basis for Communism, Hitler's Socialism, Italian Fascism, and Chinese and Japanese governments role in World War II and the overthrow of the lawful government of Mainland China in the cultural revolution, replacing the Republic of China (ROC) with the People's Republic of China (PRC).

The incorporation of these genocidal ideals and claims as-if-legal-fact-on-mental-health, which are repugnant to the Laws of the United States and Constitution of the State of Oklahoma and other States; continues in 2021.

Hate Disorders Enabled by Mass Communication Technology
Those persons who still support such claims to style rights on a social contract or "magical knowledge" of state of mind in others to apply punishment without conviction afforded due process and cross examination are traitors to their country and enemy combatants of the human race; a dangerous aberration of mental and cognitive defect which attracts other like minded morons to its cause.

While limited in the prior 19th Century, such technology as radio and television, and further in the Internet and digital network cellular communication mass broadcasting and social media 'blocking' strategies have created a mass hysteria and status quo for violent hate speech under color of law, corrupting the basic protections of a pre-digital-communication era and exhausting conventional law enforcement systematically to enable new avenues of mass communication for hate based fraud in 2001-2023 as social movements and political speech concealing religious extermination of minorities and traditional faith and privacy and convictions, and in direct assault upon the integrity of the family and community in a manner not witnessed since mass slavery.

Hegelian Dialectic Socialism appeals to hate groups, populist white supremacists, Texas Nationalist Movement members, and violent criminals who believe justice is based on the use of force and fraud to qualify legal rights over minorities and individuals. Rights arising from Constitutional Rules are foreign to their very nature, and ordinary boundary issues that mentally and emotionally healthy persons naturally recognize are absent in the 4% of public population who are clinically empathy deficient by biological predisposition. Hegelian groups attract psychopaths, sociopaths, persons suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, and codependent persons who do not recognize these behaviors as mental illness. They do so by inciting harm against a person or persons of a class, and oversimplifying complex legal and ordinary rights into standing and perceptions of narcissistic wrong that are shared by the group to unite them in violent opposition to the perceived "unjustified privilege" sought by minorities and individuals under a minimal Republican form of government.

Hegelian Dialectics are evident in most organized crime, Interstate gang activity, and human trafficking activity which rationalizes the role in society as a "need" being filled by the criminal and natural function, against which opposition is a contest of strength and violence without ordinary moral ground.

Not everyone in a Hegelian community or society is mentally ill, but the teaching of these values in the community or national law to extinguish individual rights and protections from group activity is evident in their value system, which elevates benefits over individual injury in a cost-benefit-analysis fundamental to human exploitation and belief in immunity from liability predicated on statutory rules that do not have effect unless to the benefit of the abuser. The idea of "perpetual right to remedy, and restitution (18 USC §1593) is alien to such persons - and they will often suggest such resort to rights is "delusion" because it suggests a duty to restore the injury their actions have caused.

Because this "delusion" in immunity is genuine and sustained, it is themed criminal mental illness by this firm and most American communities; despite substantial support from organization and overseas sovereign national industrial enterprises into United States jurisdiction and territories, products, and intangible property rights.

Efforts to project guilt and criminal intent on persons that Hegelian Dialectics perceive as oppositional, is evident in their constant magical thinking and claims of knowledge of what persons they are targeting intend or mean; a form of delusion paired with criminal actions to assert control and dominate others in power struggles arising from similar childhood abuse and sexual abuse in childhood, seeking to reverse the role of abused and abuser with new persons and assuming the role of abuser to sustain the ego trauma and normalize the lack of help they received as victims by taking power over other people and becoming the predator.

Abuse of Conventional Mass Media Agencies contributed substantially in 2001-2021
This conduct, in media services like CNN and MSNBC, are offensive on face and juvenile; yet is exceptionally dangerous when paired with child kidnapping, child abuse, and commercial industrial sabotage and espionage made economically viable by admission of foreign sovereign state-owned corporations into the North American technology and communications marketplace without correct oversight or recognition of these state-owned (23%) ventures and nature of foreign-financed contractors acting in sensitive positions of communication and Interstate gatekeepers and staff of common carrier markets like FACEBOOK INC and TWITTER.

The results of which in 2012-2023 have been devastating to the United States and world peace, and component of Volksverhetzung activity on a massive scale not seen since the Holocaust.

Experts in national and multi-national community communications like SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. have studied this phenomenon, and identified key elements affecting social media and technology which are critical gains and framework to confronting and arresting Hegelian Terrorism exploiting weaknesses in our civil and criminal Justice System, child trafficking, and commercialization of children ages 14-17 by firms in Asia and Japan through competitor footholds in Texas, Michigan, and California in 2001-2021.

Hegelian Dialectic Extremism (HDE) is a product of very populist environments without normal controls and relief afforded in Natural Law, including protecting such predators from violence by society and parents, which afford them a bold attitude and sense of authority which is a license to harm others in the absence of ordinary empathy with their victims.

Because Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice protect these persons and organizations, large scale organized rioting, civil unrest, and violence against persons based on race and ethnic identity are on the rise in the United States; afforded by the tendency of such violent parties to collectively attack and then narrate a victim mentality to defend their claims and dilute responsibility obligated specific directed acts and offenses normally punishable and subject substantial victim relief in a pre-computer society; now insulated by over-use of records and consequences to persons who resort to defense of their child or property, which suspend all ordinary security if they act to restore the protection of their own person and vulnerable family members threatened by this abuse.

The lack of consequences, in well recognized lack of law enforcement response and court misconduct, afford to these persons a sense of license to commit offenses in organized groups without fear of ordinary consequences, and reliant on protection by society when they withdraw after such violence to conceal themselves in social organizations.

As these groups gain influence in media and communications, trade, and finance, medicine, and law, the public confidence in those institutions is destroyed systematically. Foreign sovereign adversaries seeking to overthrow the State Government or National Government see these persons as viable operatives and employees, and can donate or channel funds to them or their causes far more easily than in the past, financing civil unrest and overt targeted terrorism that cannot be resisted by local and State agencies against a highly mobile global insurgency with diverse manpower not connected by traditional employment, association, uniforms, or traditional social and economic class.

Observing the mental illness, and its indicators, in "Hegelian Dialectics" as a value system and a pattern of behavior, is therefore the only way to identify this threat to civil society.

Certain almost religious tenants of the belief structure of these persons do give rise to a profile and identification, and are inherently a component of brain damage or nervous system trauma. Abuse of children can damage the nervous system and development of children, giving rise to these DISORDERS, and human traffickers practicing systemic rape and violence have been aware of this method of conditioning of children and minors for a very long time; often beating in or raping in new members of their community to normalize the lack of empathy expected of the group.

When child abduction and concealment are component of such conduct, even Governments should recognize that traditional laws and regulations do not grant any legal basis for resistance or complicity with such conduct; and denial of access to parents in such concealment give rise to the legal right to disbar those institutions in pursuit of missing and exploited children. States and agencies who do not accept this are complicit with the criminal activity, and are demonstrating a component degree of corruption and infiltration by persons already engaged in the organized crime of this nature and foreign sovereign influence; and should be systematically removed upon discovery in any offense to violate the ordinary duty and rule of law that support this form of heinous child abuse.

Hegelian Dialectics are therefore a threat to the security of children and the family, as well as business integrity and trade, and are a product of foreign sovereign influence not permitted or compatible with the Laws of the United States. As their claims, disbarring ordinary rule and boundaries of civilized persons in our laws, represent the most criminal activity possible - sedition to the extent of treason against the Constitution of the United States and its charter which uphold the fundamental "Inherent Rights" of persons unconditional to public or social benefit or advantage in their legal person or commerce or agent.

Hegelian Dialectics is a religion of "mental and physical slavery" justified to suggest CITIZENSHIP is a privilege, and suffrage conditioned to certain beliefs held to be "Settled Science" which are foreign to the Laws of the United States and right of dissent and truth in public address and right of public notice and self defense. All of these things are "Offenses" to the Hegelian Dialectic Extremist, and predicated on some "delusion" of fair and consistent limits of action which are not granted to private persons if the State or its employees are not permitted to do those things in similar enforcement actions or use of force, a "logical fallacy" to conceal a duty not to violate certain boundaries or expect unlimited and unrestricted use of all necessary force including those powers Expressly Not Granted to the Government or State as existing prior and in full license and authority by Individuals in a free society, like the United States as chartered and so made a Republic.

The effort to "project criminal intent (mens rea) when such use of force is possible, as if a proof of invalidation or defect in the party entitled its use" is also characteristic of the "Hegelian Dialectic Extremist"; concealing a clear knowledge that their violation of the rights of others is both wrong and likely to instigate violence or response; but in the deflection to completely deny any liability and shift blame on their victim in pattern modelling behavior like a child observing a sexual predatory demeaning a victim after a sexual assault or series of sexual or physical abuse. The link between this abuse, access to children, and instilling this as "normal" behavior in children is remarkable and basic - and suggest that such persons are unfit to be parents or be in control or supervision of any minor children due to their moral and mental deficiency.

Ironically, most Hegelians believe they are intellectually superior, and will seek to abuse and resort to ad hominem abuse of persons they feel intellectually threatened by. This is done by statements of ill character suggesting malicious premeditated intent in their target - not just stupidity or being moronic in conduct contrary facts at law as a specific citation of improper behavior objectively; instead seeking equivalency with statements of actual written law or regulation offered by their target a demand for submission to contrary claims without legal basis, as if to assert a personal privilege of power rather than a citation of protection and restrain ordinary in a REGULATORY CIVIL PROCESS BETWEEN TWO PARTIES WITH STANDING ENTITLED HEARING.

Further Characteristic:
Is the frequent referral to the other party as a PRIVATE PERSON or NON-PERSON, or to ascribe an age of MINORITY or INFANCY to the other party, in clinical narcissistic abuse mirroring power exchange and power taking experienced by the Hegelian during their own infancy or abuse giving ego disorder and improper communication a normalcy without real or minimal boundaries then applied as adults toward other adults. These abuses are often contextual, absent in the presence of persons they feel subordinate or equal with, and acute in situations where they can isolate their target without being observed by others or documented as the perpetrator of such abuse. The concealment of such behavior demonstrates a genuine 'knowledge of right versus wrong' and hiding of malicious behavior, for which the diagnosis of arrested development (a lesser emotional disorder) is not correct, and clinical malfeasant narcissistic delusion is a clear finding on such repeated behavior contrary civil and legal obligations not to abuse others (see: 18 U.S. Code §1692d rule).

Inability to Admit Boundaries / Unlawful Communication themed "Advice" in fraud
This egocentric behavior, paired with claims of giving "advice" to conceal violent threats and extortion, quid pro quo, or harm to children a suggested element of their demands - is evident in the letters by LOSTSERVER members and Enid and Dallas contractors toward our staff over 2001-2021, an archive of arson, rape, murder, and stalking of women and animal felony harm threats and acts; from which SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. has obtained so much information on the behavior, group, companies, and nations from which these hostile activities are systematically being employed to damage U.S. Industry and overthrow ordinary commercial rights in the industry since 2001 kidnapping of a child.

Game Systems as Hegelian or Anti-Hegelian
Game Systems focused on collective group play in artificial economic and moral systems posing little to no real long term or lasting impact; are accelerating the development of persons in this population. Beyond War is a social game environment that was developed to stop that process, and is contrary much of what modern game theory proponents suggest are addictive (power enabling) techniques used to lure adolescent into interactive media and organized online group activity.

Beyond War™ is therefore anti-Hegelian by design; and its workings are confusing and foreign to the belief popularized by Hegelian audiences in how such social games play and economic systems function. Because of this, many Hegelian critics fail to comprehend or (in intellectual superiority consistent with the mental health disorder) assume wrongly the mechanics of the game and how it works to assert a (false, completely fabricated) claim and value system consistent with their own deficient world-view and limited emotional capacity. Simply, they cannot see the emotional elements of the game, and perceive only a mechanical structure which the inability to exploit or engineer frustrate them to the point that they become upset with their lack of access to overcome other players by effort or deceit or abuse of mechanical flaws in the environment common in other games. When frustrated, they can get quite violent.

The mechanics behind these systems are not publicly disclosed, because the last thing we want is to give the Hegelian audience clues to overcome the purposeful mysteries of the game; a virtue of advanced storytelling and complex social interactivity of Beyond War over traditional character class progression grinding games.