Layperson FAQ

Computer Servers and applications are a specialist field. Users are not expected to be computer scientists. However, because some arrogant criminals have begun to fraudulently practice an unlawful monopoly in Oklahoma alleging regents for higher education preclude the right to commerce and INTERSTATE COMMERCE, laypersons should be aware of the 'public danger' in this field.

Computer science can be taught and is well documented, allowing anyone - including a high school educated drug addict to pretend to be a system administrator. Because of the influx of criminal activity and drug trafficking into these unregulated science fields, professionals with 30+ years of experience are being targeted in violation of 76 O.S. 76-4 rule of law.

Application users benefit from this theory and professional experience, but it is far too easy to impersonate a real engineer or deceive the public as to what 'software engineering' is, preventing this knowledge from being available to the common user in a competitive market. This activity is union-like and criminal racketeering, and our firm is deeply opposed to this activity - creating many conflicts with illegitimate businesses.

My father was a computer engineer, and I am a computer engineer, and my son would have been a computer engineer if he were not kidnapped at the tender age of 71 days after birth from his legal home. Consider this, when you choose your provider, and how dedicated your service will be for the money. Some of us have more to fight for than simple compensation.

Most of these claims are by persons attempting to infiltrate organizations for the $320,000 USD annual salary in compensation of their target, or for revenge over prior reports resulting in loss of access to compromised sites and contracts, which are governed by non-disclosure agreements available only via court process. The United States may not reserve the word 'engineer' per determined law and Article I section 9 and 10 rule, nor govern its application in state or Interstate commerce either.

The persons responsible for this fraud confuse entry-level (4 and 7 year) degree programs with 10+ year trade skills as a qualifier and 'bought commission' wrongly, whereby through racketeering they have alleged falsely that older employees in the field should be expelled in favor of less experienced personnel belonging to a union or trade group not recognized at-law as authoritative to create a false monopoly of service. Be aware of this fraud, and of kidnapping and extortion tactics familiar to traditional organized crime used in this area to defraud and deceive the public.

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