Beyond War™

Beyond War: Overview

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Broad Overview

January 1st 2020 - Allen, James A.

Beyond War is a fictional universe spanning interactive software games and multi-user online entertainment with traditional media and film storytelling.

The story takes place in a very vast setting across multiple galaxies, and that fact alone is a little overwhelming to fans in traditional media.

Beyond War is set is the aftermath of a very large scale war, similar in scope to how human beings perceived World War I and World War II, where no region is safe or beyond the front-lines. Beyond War incorporates elements familiar to the Cold War and espionage activity in the late 20th Century, as well as advanced biological warfare involving crude pandemics and tailored bioweapons, seemingly supernatural methods of creating and using these tools, and other technology that surpasses what 21st Century humans would consider 'magic' without a deep introduction to quantum physics.

These elements were designed in 1990 and promoted in 1998 development of software to prepare the public for future biological warfare and terrorism under color of acts of God and nature, like COVID-19. Ultimately their development was opposed by radical Communist and Socialist groups using terrorism to suppress the information in Beyond War from reaching the public prior to the 2020 global pandemic and radical Ruism push for global government on the false science of the Chinese and Japanese socialist movements.

Beyond War is, in essence, an antithesis to socialism and communism, and was regarded and treated as any enemy of the Chinse Communist Party, with violence and criminal abuse to constitute genuine war crimes against its developers in 2001-2020, during which development and registration of content was delayed, material knowingly stolen and sold to dilute the property purposefully, and a criminal effort to take and conceal family members of the developer from their lawful care to blackmail them into surrender of the property.

The project endured with aid from former United States Armed Forces members, Christians, and American patriots - to defend its unique intellectual property against infringement in Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Taiwan, Mainland China, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and South Korea - all who took steps to attempt to register central content to the game in an effort to disrupt its publication.

Courts of the United States and other jurisdictions refused to settle or answer the complaints in this matter, carrying out a corruption of blood prohibited in United States Federal Law and Constitutional Law, with irreparable and serious injury.

Failure to understand or enforce ordinary jurisdictions, protection, and 42 U.S.C. 1981 protections led the companies to form an association to protect themselves from ongoing harassment in 2001-2020 themed 'terrorism' by 21 O.S. 21-2268 Oklahoma State Law.

These acts of 'terrorism' included harassment of networks to an industrial degree (250,000 requests per day for 370+ days; 16 gigabit per second multi-day flooding; attacks on numerous companies from NTT and Deutsche Telekom sites associated with NATION OF JAPAN and NTT / TENCENT HOLDING CO LTD / SOFTBANK GROUP CORP).

This abuse only steeled the American developers to push harder in 2016-2020 during physical violence, shooting into their homes, breaking down of doors (twice), attempted forced entry to offices (2020 May), and destruction of mail facilities (twice in 2019-2020) coinciding with direct threats of sexual assault and assault of a sexual nature against family members and children in the State of Oklahoma in writing to support this fraud.

Beyond War is, in the most simplistic sense, "A Space Western", with immortal cowboys taking on armies of space dragons.

What matters is not only how, but why, and those claims contrary to 'Ruism", the state-religion of Communist China and popular in Socialist Japan and the Asian-Pacific "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership" (RCEP) originally proposed by Barrack Obama and endorsed by Joe Biden, whose interests are themed contrary the welfare of the United States per President Donald J. Trump.

Space Vampires

Central to the Beyond War story is the mythology of 'Vampires' in popular folklore. This mythology, similar to what was used in later years by the television show 'Supernatural', engaged pop culture preconceptions as a foil to conceal more sophisticated high technology and advanced warfighter tools as perceived by primitive cultures and isolated planets witnessing elements of 'The War' in 'Beyond War'.

The alien species in Beyond War use a common framework of technology based on 'High Energy', a concept of quantum and material space technology, whereby matter and energy can be drawn from adjoining 'high' and 'low' states outside normal energy in our physical Universe.

Each species uses this in different ways - some to create 'manifolds' in space-time, where they can store material and gather resources and equipment on a vast scale - accessing this 'pocket' Universe and even living both inside it and the material Universe at the same time simultaneously.

Because space is not 'linear', as we human beings tend to think of it, but instead consists of numerous 'holes' through which alternate space exists in 'manifolds' outside our dimension of ordinary distance, the Universe is actually much larger than we estimate and also contains many 'hidden worlds' which we cannot perceive through our senses.

Among these are the "Sanguine", the pinnacle of warfighter technology at the height of 'The War', who can carry entire planetary arms factories and even worlds inside the palm of their hand. The use of such technology appears to be magic to normal people, as does their ability to touch or taste anything containing DNA and 'read' the subject matter like a book - designing pathogens and treatments and viral weapons to twist the DNA of the related life within seconds and at will, then producing those compounds on demand with little to no effort, as simple as breathing.

The ability of a single 'enabled' advanced warfighter possessing such technology in an unrestricted war is the story of 'Beyond War', and the fear and political turmoil that becoming aware of such technology or its use as a force by single soldiers against whole planetary populations, the central contest of Beyond War as a work of fiction.

In light of other 'species' destroying stars with a wave of their hand, or propelling worlds into utter darkness with less effort, the degree of fear and scope of conflict in Beyond War is stunning and beyond the ability of many in the media industry to comprehend or visualize in a tangible multi-user environment or 'video game'. The very idea someone 'moved the solar system' you were flying to, is as unimaginable as the 'Death Star' destroying a planet seemed to audiences in 1979.

Beyond War does this with a proprietary system that competitors have been trying to force disclosure and forfeiture of since 1999.

The Universe

The Sanguine™ are only one of twelve species in the 1998 Beyond War material. Other alien species include the 'Stryx', an owl-like being that watches 'The War' unfold, and ten other 'species' - alien races who do not include human beings as members, technically speaking.

The human race of Earth is technically a sub-set of the Eumon (A-Yu-Mon). Themed little more than chimpanzees or primitive apes, the Eumon possess industrial culture and technology derived from simple mechanical principles in the 'observable Universe', and struggle with 'the hidden world' of quantum physics and manifold spatial technology due to centuries of slavery and use as a forced labor component after the Cataclysm - an event that ended 'the War' suddenly and without any clear victor.

Everything you see in modern human society is an anachronism of pre-War technology intermixed with stone monuments to the warships and battle cruisers of the War. Eumon often build cities around these monuments, bury their dead in them, and fail to see the relationships to any context over several hundred years old, due to a very short-term memory and lack of durable technology. Their language is so primitive they cannot even read the accounts by their ancestors without context to the actual events witnessed by them and importance lost over generations of oral history.

In contrast, the Sanguine and other races store their memories and emotions in tangible devices and objects, regardless of complexity and including raw stones and earth, using quantum entanglement and manifold technology, high energy, and advanced neuro-machine interfaces. These points allow even raw eumon to access the data stores, seeing the past and experiencing the lives of their ancestors and the thoughts of those persons recording the archives.

Efforts to collect and store or destroy these repositories have led to purges - wiping out the storehouse of knowledge on many colonies to bring them under control of other species, willing to exploit the eumon to perform the physical labor of their industry.

Sanguine have little need of such crude devices, as they can make workers using their own abilities, building entire populations of slaves and warfighters out of raw material who act as drones for the lords. They can raise up cities overnight using these machines and destroy them just as quickly leaving only the clean walls of their monolithic fortresses and strange streets behind, empty to the very soul.

This power of automation and industry more than any weapon sets the Sanguine apart from the 'natural' species of 'the War'; for they do not require cooperation or consent to be makers and builders, nor to access the information of hundreds of thousands of lives and years to build power plants, great works of architecture, and create complex substances and fine arts. They are the engine of the world, to quote Ayn Rand.

Beneath the Engine of the World

(NEXT Content Release Date: Dec 1 8:00 pm CDT)

Our story takes place not in the collision of these forces, whose evidence is clear in the middle of the Milky Way where one galaxy literally collided with another forming the rings most humans know so well in the night sky.

It takes place in the bunkers and survival complexes of those who saw 'the War' and are emerging to discover what survived. In the Minat, Dawv, and Ogrey populations who have weathered the Cataclysm, and emerge to see what - if anything - is still alive.

It takes place in the population centers and villages of less than twenty million where tiny fractions of the Eumon race endure - hillbilly planets like Earth - who were so backward and uneducated that they were but layovers on the highway to the front lines for warships and traders.

Places that were apparently too 'unimportant' to cull - like the capital worlds - where entire empires lay empty and not a single body can be found, food still on the table and dishes set out, ovens on, fires lit, miles of cars left abandoned on the roadways. All disappeared in an instant, even from the helm of war machines and starships in the midst of attack. The Universe simply 'died', and in places - not a single survivor is found.

Some of the automated war machines remain - the Tyec - and their biological counterpart the Genosect - but even they feel the blow, as if reeling from a knockout punch. Ninety-eight percent of their population suddenly vanished from the network, including portions of their hives and central command which spanned entire planets - disemboweled from the Universe.

Small colonies of soldiers, far from war, lost - left behind - the Leupos and Dracos both struggle to make their way. One with family, the other - the by the business of organization and administration - the nature of Dracos to take account of all things and accumulate security.

But the biological organism yards that once produced billions of soldiers for the front lines remain silent. The Genetic Recombination Labs that held the prize of civilization are likewise silent, shuttered, and their retreat into the Dark between galaxies a slow caravan incorporated into their final orders should all civilization fail.

These arks carry the wealth of worlds that burned in the fire of the War, and a few would recover them for the treasure of resources they contain is parallel only to the knowledge of the greatest Sanguine kind, information that can rebuild worlds - or destroy them.

Those who made the fortresses stand silent watch - alone - their comrades gone and the hope of all their wisdom and belief as well, the Elan in their Rhocropoli above the rural worlds that still respond.

In silence, they dwell, afraid. For in the Dark there moves still the other - the sleepless dead - and so the Tyec report, contact with the Kai'Gi and their fortresses end only in death for all who know them. So the Elan extinguish the beacons and lay quiet, waiting for the danger to pass. Knowing their enemy will not die in time, but might yet sleep again, leaving the fighting to others who have worlds to burn.

The Ethran stalk the halls of these places too, and the worlds below, and every battlefield of the War... shadows of the dead, unable to pass, the victims of 'High Energy' weapons that literally separated their essence from the material but failed to destroy it.

These battlefields are strewn like the fields of Europe after Napoleon, pitted and scarred by weapons that tore apart the very fabric of space and time, leaving damage in the surface of reality itself through which the Universe bleeds.

The Kai'Gi would stop those weapons from ever being deployed again in such numbers, and all who know how they are made be destroyed, a genuine inquisition to extinguish forever the cause of war by destroying the wisdom that made such great power possible or placed it in the hands of a single soldier. And with this, the soldiers who possess that technology and the ability to read those letters of days lost, enemies as well of the Kai'Gi.

The Sanguine, their primary target.

Beneath such fire, what natural life could survive, and so the Sanguine King retreated into the Dark - the space between the galaxies, where few may follow and little exists to fuel the Tyec and Genosect war machines made to kill him and his kind.

Leaving the survivors to squabble among themselves and the ruins of of what once was Civilization.